Are you having pain and you want to know if this is caused by kidney stones?


In this article I will look at 7 symptoms associated with kidney stones.



  • PAIN This can present in a variety of ways depending on a variety of factors including the location of the stone & the size of the stone. You might have flank pain, meaning the pain is located between your pelvis and your lower ribs. You might even have pain in your abdomen or perhaps lower abdomen (the area around your bladder). Others complain about radiating pain into their groin. Others mistake the flank pain I was talking about earlier as back pain.
  • The pain caused by kidney stones can be barely noticeable and even present as a dull ache with some of you, others  just having a feeling of discomfort. Many have  intense  pain which can come in waves.It comes and goes, comes and goes. And can last 20-60 minutes.This type of main has been described at worst as pain felt during labor. This is because your kidney recognizes this stone as a foreign body and an inflammatory response begins to fight this “foreign” stone and try to expel it from the kidneys. Imagine the kidney really trying to get rid of this stone as the stone is causing a urinary obstruction with the capsule surrounding your kidney distending. Therefore, if the pain is flank pain the urinary obstruction is at the level of the kidney pelvis or upper ureter. If the stone is in your lower ureter the pain typically radiates to your groin.
  • Blood in your urine which is called hematuria can present in different ways. Your urine can be slightly pinkish, brownish or grossly red. However, 10-30% of patients do not have blood in their urine. Another study also predicted that you were more likely to have blood on day one when you are presenting with kidney stones rather than day three.
  • Nausea and vomiting-kidney stones can make you so sick that you feel queasy and want to puke and literally feel sick to your stomach.
  • Urinary frequency and urgency– Especially as kidney stones travel down the ureter and closer to the bladder you will have a feeling of wanting to pee… a sense of urgency.
  • Foul smelling urine– Your urine is darker and cloudier. Part of the reason is because of crystallization of minerals in your urine. The best way to compare this is when you are dehydrated.When you do NOT drink enough water, your pee become darker or smellier..
  • Peeing only small amounts at a time- This is because if the stone is causing an obstruction especially is it is stuck in the ureter. If you cannot pee at all this is a medical emergency.
  • Fever & chills-A kidney stone affects your urine flow. The flow of urine is disrupted and slowed. This makes it more likely for you to get infected. Your urinary tract can get infected and we refer to this as urinary tract infection and you will be complaining about pain while urinating.. In severe cases your kidney gets infected and this is called pyelonephritis.


If you want to have a more in depth look at kidney stones and how long it will take for you to pass a kidney stone check this video.

Here is the video looking at kidney stone symptoms( click on the link)

Have a good day & Think your health.

