Metformin is a prescription drug to treat diabetes. It also plays a role in the treatment of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.
The mainstay of treatment and management of DM is diet and exercise coupled with lifestyle changes such as weight loss. It works in 3 ways:
1) decreases the glucose production in your liver
2) decreases the amount of glucose absorbed from your gut and
3) it improves the way your body responds to the insulin
Dosages of Metformin:
There are different forms and strengths of Metformin. Here is a link to a website listing those different doses.
If you are an older adult check with your healthcare provider if Metformin is the right drug for you. Elderly patients are more likely to have renal problems and this drug can be contraindicated in those situations.
What are the most common side effects?

There are several, the most common ones are GI side effects such as nausea and vomiting, stomach pain, diarrhea, heartburn, forming gas, feeling fatigued, headache. Some patients complain about a metallic taste in their mouth.
When do I have to call my Doctor right away?
If you are having an allergic reaction to the medication. You will have feeling of difficulty breathing, SOB, wheezing a rash or possibly hives
If you have very bad stomach pain with repeated episodes of vomiting or diarrhea OR even having unusual muscle pain. This could be a sign of a bad side effect known as Lactic acidosis when there is too much acid in your blood.
You might have signs of low blood sugar. You will feel weak, shaky, and dizzy. You might start sweating, feel confused with a rapid heartbeat.
How can you avoid side effects?
- Start at the lowest dose and titrate up. You will be advised to take the dose of 500mg with your dinner. This is done not only to minimize side effects, but to also help reduce your higher blood glucose in the morning.
- Your Doctor will advise to take this for 1-2 weeks. If you are tolerating this then another dose of Metformin can be added in the morning with your breakfast. This can be taken for another 1-2 weeks.
- A third dose can be added at Lunch time, But I usually recommend against that. The reason is easy to understand. You want to keep it simple and manageable. I have seen if there are too many medication changes, or the frequency of the medication is changed too often that reduces the compliance of patients. Please have a discussion regarding this with your Healthcare Provider.
- Your Doctor might want to switch to an extended-release medication if you are experiencing side effects. This also simplifies how many pills you need to take.
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