Benadryl is a common OTC drug, This article will examine the nine most common questions asked about the drug Benadryl , including the drug’s side effects.

1.WHAT IS Benadryl?

Benadryl is an antihistamine that reduces the effects of natural chemical  histamine in the body. Histamine can produce symptoms of sneezing, itching, watery eyes, and runny nose. The generic term for Benadryl is Diphenhydramine.

2.What is it used for?

  • It is used to relieve coughing.
  • It is used to ease allergy signs- such as itching, runny nose and eyes, hives.
  • It is used to help with the symptoms of motion sickness like nausea, vomiting, dizziness.
  • It is used to treat sleep problems.
  • It is used to treat signs like Parkinson’s disease caused by other health problems.

3.Is it OK to take Benadryl as a sleep aid?

For people who take an antihistamine such as Benadryl for a cold or allergies, drowsiness is often a welcome side effect. Would I recommend taking it as a sleeping aid? Simple answer is NO, especially in older adults.  Use of Benadryl can lead to sleep walking and other sleep related disorders especially, if used regularly.

4.How quickly does Benadryl work?



Benadryl is quickly absorbed after oral administration and peak effects are reached within one hour. The effects of diphenhydramine last from four to six hours.

5.Is Benadryl safe for older adults?

There is evidence that the use of diphenhydramine among older adults or the elderly may result in serious side effects. This holds true esp. if you are older than age 65. The older a person becomes, the greater the risk of adverse effects. Benadryl is listed as potentially Inappropriate Medication in Older Adults ( also known as Beers criteria)

6.Can Benadryl cause dementia?

  • Common anticholinergic drugs like Benadryl linked to increased dementia risk. … In a report published in JAMA Internal Medicine. researchers offer compelling evidence of a link between long-term use of anticholinergic medications like Benadryl and dementia.(3)


Typical doses for Benadryl are:

  • For adults take 1 to 2 tablets or capsules every 4 to 6 hours as needed. Maximum daily dose per PDR (prescribers’ digital reference) &  is 300mg/day.
  • If you are taking the liquid version of Benadryl use the dosing syringe provided, or with a special dose-measuring spoon or medicine cup.
  • For motion sickness, take diphenhydramine 30 minutes before you will be in a situation that causes you motion sickness (such as a long car ride, airplane or boat travel, amusement park rides, etc). Continue taking diphenhydramine with meals and at bedtime for the rest of the time you will be in a motion-sickness situation.
  • I DO NOT advice to take Benadryl as a sleep aid.
  • This medication can affect the results of allergy skin tests. Tell any doctor who treats you that you are using diphenhydramine.

8.What are common side effects?

9.What are serious side effects?

  • pounding heartbeats or fluttering in your chest;( can increase blood pressure and heart rate especially in in patients with underlying heart disease)
  • painful or difficult urination ( enlarged Prostate- called BPH)
  • little or no urinating.
  • confusion (delirium, esp. in older adults)
  • In patients with Glaucoma it can worsen the disease by increasing intra-ocular pressure (the pressure in your eye)
  • If you have a thyroid disease with low thyroid levels can exacerbate the sluggishness and drowsiness that are common side effects of antihistamines.

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