The reason why you get Statin associated muscle problems is not clearly understood, however the main symptoms include muscle aches and pain seen in 3-8% of individuals.

In fact, the type of injury to your muscle has a variety of names.

The most common being a medical term referred to as myalgias. You will have a feeling of soreness, stiffness or tenderness in your muscles. Sometimes this is described as a cramp. The best way of comparing this is if you ever had a viral infection like the flu that’s the type of pain you may experience.

Another type of injury to your muscles is refer to as myopathy which just means your muscle is weaker. You may have pain and discomfort with this weakness.

Then, there is a muscle inflammation where you well feel muscle discomfort and soreness. This is called myositis. 

A step worse than this is a term called myonecrosis where because of muscle breakdown a marker called CK is released and can be measured.

The worst type of this is rhabdomyolysis where during this muscle breakdown a protein is released from your muscles and excreted in your urine. You can also have acute renal failure with this condition.

