What is Ciprofloxacin?

Ciprofloxacin is an antibiotic it belongs to a family of medications called fluoroquinolones. Ciprofloxacin is a medication used for fighting bacterial infections and it does this by blocking DNA replication inside your bacteria. In this way Ciprofloxacin effectively kills the bacteria

What is Ciprofloxacin used for?

 Ciprofloxacin is used to treat a variety of bacterial infections. The most common reasons your health care provider will use medication will be as follows:

  • Bone and joint infections
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Skin infections
  • Lower respiratory tract infections
  • Prostate infections
  • Sinus infections

Ciprofloxacin dosing and administration?

 Ciprofloxacin can be given as tablets:  the doses are 250 milligrams and 500 milligrams as well as in form of an oral suspension, especially if you have trouble swallowing. The doses for the oral suspension are as follows:100ml of 250mg/5ml & 100ml of 500mg/5ml.

Most infections typically are dosed 250 milligrams to about 500 milligrams every 12 hours. There are certain infections such as more serious lower respiratory tract infections, joint infections or bone infections which might need a higher dose such as 750 milligrams to every 12 hours. The dosing might have to be adjusted if you do have kidney problems or liver problems.

Ciprofloxacin most common side effects?

 The most common side effects in adults are GI side effects such as nausea and vomiting. (1-5%) Musculoskeletal signs and symptoms as seen especially in children.(9-22%). Skin rashes are seen in one to 2% of cases.

All medications cause side effects. Some cause mild, moderate, or severe side effects. There might be some individuals who do not experience any side effects at all and there might be others who experience quite severe side effects.Please talk to your health care provider to inform yourself and educate yourself before taking any medication.

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pills and medication side effects

If you are interested in how another antibiotic such as Amoxicillin works, click right here!

Here are 11 things you should know before taking Ciprofloxacin.


1.Ciprofloxacin can be taken with or without food, however you should avoid taking this medication with dairy products such as milk or cheeses as they are high in calcium. Calcium can interfere with the absorption of ciprofloxacin, therefore Ciprofloxacin it should be it should be taken at least two hours before consuming dairy products. The same applies if Ciprofloxacin needs to be taken with medications which contain calcium such as antacids. Antacids can interfere with the absorption of this antibiotic as well. Ciprofloxacin should be taken at least two hours before this medication.

2.Ciprofloxacin has been associated with a particular kind of GI associated diarrhea called C difficile associated diarrhea causing an inflammation of your colon you had an increased risk if you have multiple comorbidities, immunocompromised, an older adult or on and the ulcer medications. Usually, the risk of this antibiotic associated colitis is lower than 1%, however the risk is increased depending on several factors such as duration of treatment and your health. Your risk is about 7 to 10 times higher especially while you’re on an antibiotic and during the four weeks after completing the course of antibiotics.

3.This medication can interact with several common medications. The list would be too exhaustive and here I’ve listed a couple of common medications:

  •               Warfarin       
  •               Theophylline
  •               Zolpidem
  •               Phenytoin
  •               Olanzapine
  •               Melatonin
  •               Iron preparations
  •               Alprazolam
  •               Sildenafil


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stethoscope on a blackboard

4.Ciprofloxacin can affect your blood sugar levels. Reports of high blood sugar as well as low blood sugar have been associated with this medication. Especially if you are a diabetic you would be at a slightly higher risk in terms of maintaining glucose regulation.

5.Your primary care provider will need to consider the choice of this medication especially if it can interact with other medications. It can in some cases cause the timing of your electrical signals in your heart to be off causing heart rhythm problems. This is called QT prolongation. You are healthcare provider might even do an EKG before initiating this medication.

6.This medication can cause sensitivity to the sun therefore especially in summer avoid being exposed to the sunlight too long as it can cause  phototoxicity of your skin. Your skin will look like a sunburn.

7.Ciprofloxacin surprisingly  may cause an injury to your tendon especially your Achilles tendon. You’re more prone to this especially if you if you have multiple comorbidities such as diabetes are above the age of 60 and have had previous tendon disorders.

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8.Ciprofloxacin like other antibiotics in the same family can also cause symptoms such as tremors, dizziness and even seizures. They are associated with peripheral neuropathy. This just means that the nerves and the signaling in your nerves might be affected. After starting treatment some symptoms you might feel are the following: burning numbness tingling pain and even weakness

9.Especially older adults who are on this medication there is a slightly increased risk of damage to a large vessel called the aorta. If you do have a history of aortic aneurysm this medication might not be the right choice for you.

10.Make sure you’re drinking plenty of liquids while you’re on this medication in rare cases this medication may affect your kidneys so if you do have unusual swelling in your lower extremities lower back pain or have difficulty urinating, please contact your healthcare provider

11.And a bonus tip if you do have if you do have liver problems this medication might not be the right medication for you as it can lead to serious liver problems including liver failure. Individuals who had a higher risk of patients above the age of 55.


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