What is Hydrochlorothiazide(HCTZ):

HCTZ is a prescription medication. It is also referred to as a thiazide diuretic. The brand name is Microzide.

How does HCTZ work?

It works by making you pee more. That is why it called a water pill. In this way, this medication removes extra water and salt from your body.

How does HCTZ remove extra water and sodium from your body?

This medication works on a specific part of your kidney called the distal convoluted tubule. Here, this medication you are taking reduces sodium reabsorbed into your body and consequently promotes water loss.

Blood pressure measured on arm

Blood pressure measurement

What is HCTZ used for?

It is used to treat high blood pressure. You can use this medication to remove extra fluid in your body. This fluid is also referred to as edema. It is used off label to treat calcium kidney stones. It can also be used off label in a condition called nephrogenic diabetes insipidus.

Hydrochlorziazide written on a prescription pad

HCTZ prescription


HCTZ dosing and administration?

You can take this medication in two forms: as a capsule or a tablet. The capsule dosing is 12.5mg. The tablet dosing is 12.5mg, 25mg or 50mg. You can take this medication with or without food.


1.It takes about 2 hours before the medication starts working and reaches its full effect after about 4 hours.

2.You should take this medication in the morning. If you take this medication too late during the day or at nighttime you will be always running to the bathroom

3.If you are taking this medication, especially if you are older, like I advise with all blood pressure lowering medications, is that it can make you feel dizzy and lightheaded, so take your time when you are getting up from a sitting or sleeping position. Be careful when you are walking up and down stairs.

4.You should not use this medication for weight loss. The weight you lose is water weight and not excess weight due to fat.

5.All drugs may cause side effects. The goal of this article is to educate you, if you are on drug, how it works and what you might expect in terms of common side effects. There will be always be some people who have no or only mild side effects. If you do have side effects, call your Doctor ASAP to get advice accordingly.

6.HCTZ can slightly increase your blood sugars. If you are a diabetic make sure you are carefully monitoring your blood sugars

x ray and foot showing gout


7.HCTZ is a photosensitive drug. That means if you are exposed to the sun, it can cause a sunburn like reaction. Wear appropriate clothing, sunscreen & hats if you are outdoors for lengthy periods of time. 8.This medication can increase your uric acid levels and precipitate a gout attack, especially with individuals with a history of gout

9.This medication and lower the following electrolytes: potassium, sodium and magnesium. All of them can be decreased. It does cause calcium to increase.

10.It can rarely cause an eye condition called acute angle-closure glaucoma. This situation is reversible. However, if you have vision changes call your Doctor ASAP.

11.Don’t self-medicate with this medication and start doubling or tripling the dose on your own. Too much of this medication can lead to dehydration.

12.This medication at higher doses can contribute to ED( erectile dysfunction)in men.

13.You should know that this medication contains a sulfonamide chemical group. If you have a sulfa allergy the possibility of an allergic reaction is low. This is because a cross reaction with sulfa containing antibiotics is extremely low. Talk to your Doctor if you do have concerns.

14.Usually, you will experience side effects if the dose is higher than 25mg: the most common side effects are:


  •                              Dizziness
  •                               Low blood pressure
  •                               Low potassium levels
  •                               Sensitivity to light
  •                               GI side effects( Nausea, vomiting,diarrhea, constipation)
  •                               Muscle spasms
  •                               Allergic reaction: rash, hives, chest pain,shortness of breath, wheezing and itching)
  •                               Headache

  15. Here are some medications which can interact with HCTZ. 

This list is not exhaustive.

Always talk to your Doctor or Pharmacist.: NSAIDS such as Ibuprofen, Lithium,  dofetilide, cholestyramine & steroids

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