Sleeping on Your Side:

woman sleeping on her side

side sleeper

If you’re a side sleeper, here’s a trick for you. Try drawing your legs up slightly toward your chest and slipping a pillow between your knees. This simple move can work wonders by aligning your spine, pelvis, and hips. It takes the pressure off your back.

Sleeping on Your Back

woman sleeping on her back correctly

back sleeper

Now, for all you back sleepers out there – listen up. Placing a pillow under your knees is the key. This not only helps relax your back muscles but also maintains the natural curve of your lower back. And if you need a bit more support, toss a small rolled towel under your waist. Don’t forget to support your neck too. Your pillow should keep it in alignment with your chest and back for that perfect sleep posture.”

Sleeping on Your Stomach:

woman sleeping on her stomach

stomach sleeper

Now, stomach sleepers, we know it can be tough on your back. If possible, try switching up your sleeping position. But if you absolutely must snooze on your stomach, here’s a hack. Pop a pillow under your hips and lower stomach to reduce back strain. If it’s comfy, add a pillow under your head. It’s all about finding that sweet spot.


See the entire Youtube video here.