What is Tamsulosin?


Tamsulosin is a prescription medication to treat your enlarged prostate. The brand name is Flomax .It belongs to a class of medications called alpha blockers.

Tamsulosin is being used OFF-LABEL for women to help with lower urinary symptoms such as overactive bladder.

Tamsulosin can also be used to help clearance of renal stones.

How does Tamsulosin work?

Tamsulosin helps you pee easier by relaxing the muscles of your prostate and bladder.In women it is thought that it relaxes the smooth muscle of your lower urinary tract


How long does it take before it works?

It usually works within hours to days. You should expect more complete symptomatic relief in 2-4 weeks.


Dosing and administration?

Tamsulosin dosing is usually once a day dosing at 0.4mg daily .It should be given 30 minutes after a meal. The advice is to take Tamsulosin about the same time daily.The reason this is done is so that the medication is not absorbed too quickly and so that you do not have to deal with side effects. Usually it is recommended to take the medication at night time to avoid side effects such as low blood pressure and dizziness.

After about 2-4 weeks the dose can be increased to 0.8mg daily if you are not experiencing any symptomatic relief.


Most common side effects:

Most meds have side effects. Some individuals will not experience any side effects or only mild to moderate side effects.


I am only listing the most common side effects.

  • Orthostatic hypotension chronic use (16-19%)
  • Ejaculation problems (8-18%)
  • Dizziness (15-17%)
  • Headache (19-21%)
  • Rhinitis (runny, stuffy nose)-13-18%
  • Infection (9-11%)
  • Cough (3-5%)
  • Weakness (8-9%)
  • Back pain (7-8%)
  • GI symptoms like nausea and diarrhea (4-6%)


Tips before you take Tamsulosin: 


1.Take Tamsulosin at night time. It can cause your blood pressure to drop and this can lead to dizziness and even a fall.This drop in blood pressure is referred to as orthostatic hypotension. If you are on blood pressure medications be aware of this side effect

2.You should be careful with alcohol intake whilst on Tamsulosin.It can exacerbate side effects such as lowering your blood pressure.

3.When you are on Tamsulosin take your time when getting up from a sitting or lying position.You are at an increased risk for dizziness. Take your time when you are changing postions esp. when getting up.

4.If you are on Tamsuloin (Flomax) and  you are planning to have cataract surgery make sure your Doctor and in particular you eye surgeon are aware. Tamsulosin can cause intra-operative Floppy iris syndrome as it can affect the closing or opening of your iris. Nowadays operative techniques have vastly improved and eye surgeons are aware of this side effect.

5.There is a very rare allergic reaction to individuals who have a Sulfa allergy. If you have had a severe or life-threatening reaction to sulfa drugs you should probably be not using this drug.

6.Here are a list of drugs which can interact with Flomax. The list is not exhaustive, however the reactions with these drugs should be noted: Ketoconazole, Paroxetine Cimetidine, PDE5 inhibitors such as Viagara and Cialis.


Have a good day and Think your Health.


